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This section of our Help Center covers the processes and guidelines of Crewlist Jobs.

Select the option below that best matches your query to get started.

Guidelines for Jobs

Crewlist has a set of Guidelines that determine whether submitted jobs are appropriate for public distribution through the Crewlist platform. If a job fails to meet any of the following criteria it may be refused approval:

  1. Jobs should be clearly written with correct grammar and spelling.

  2. Jobs should be void of any profanity or offensive content.

  3. Jobs must be specific to locations or departments when necessary.

  4. Jobs must specify current and working phone numbers, email addresses, websites or other forms of preferred responses when these are specified.

  5. Jobs cannot promote or link to any service, product or software that is in competition with any aspect of Crewlist.

Crewlist has the right to refuse or rescind approval for any submitted job for any reason at any time without notice.