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This section of our Help Center covers how and why we use your information on Crewlist, as well as what information about you we make available to other Crewlist users and the public. For a comprehensive legal breakdown, see our Privacy Policy.

Select the option below that best matches your query to get started.

What information on my Crewlist profile can other people see?

All information about you on your Crewlist profile is provided by you either through importing from IMDb or through your interaction with the site. We have provided an easy table below to simplify our Privacy Policy regarding your profile.

You Other Crewlist users Public
Profile Photo Yes Yes Yes
Roles Yes Yes Yes
Biography Yes Yes Yes
Hometown and Current Location Yes Optional Optional
Contact Information (Email & Mobile) Yes Optional No
Recommendations Yes Optional No
People You Follow Yes No No
Favourite Projects Yes Yes No

You can change the visibility of certain aspects of your profile, shown to be Optional in the above table.

Blocking a Crewlist user will prevent them from being able to see any aspect of your profile while they are logged in. Be aware that they will still be able to see any publicly accessible aspects of your profile by logging out of their Crewlist account.

Can I choose to not share my email address on my Crewlist profile?

Does Crewlist share my personal information with any third parties?

We do not share our members' personal information with any third parties unless required to do so by New Zealand law.

Under no circumstances do we sell or otherwise share our members' personal information for commercial gain.

What happens to my personal information when I deactivate my account?

When you deactivate your account any personal information associated with that account is archived in the event that you re-activate your account in the future.

If you would like us deactivate your account permanently and delete all personal information associated with your account please contact us at support@crewlist.co.nz and we will begin this process as soon as possible.

How do I deactivate my Crewlist account?